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Burn Down Your Throne


13 / 4 / 2023

This song conveys a desire for revenge against someone who is arrogant and self-centered. The song provides an energetic and aggressive feeling. It suits Badass Songs, Badass Aggressive Mix, Powful Songs, Unstoppable Songs, Warrior Songs.

Rising Wave Free Release


look way you are, you think you are a star It's funny how I got you, I got you way you are you don't think of me, you think of some dream I hate to break it but you only made it with the help of me burn down your throne all I know is I am (gonna)burn, burn down your. burn down your, burn down your, burn down your all I know is I am (gonna) burn, burn down your throne. Say I'm gonna better, but I think we both know if come down and throw away, I can hold my arm. I took my time to help you build this skin you are not seeing. burn down your throne all I know is I am (gonna)burn burn down your throne, i'm (gonna)burn it down, i'm (gonna)burn it down burn down your throne burn down your throne burn down your throne burn down your throne burn it down, i'm (gonna)burn it down, i'm (gonna)burn it down, burn down your throne
